Freshmile Fleet
La carte-carburant 100 % électrique pour se recharger partout en France et en Europe.
Une solution efficace, transparente et sans contrainte. Une liberté totale pour vos collaborateurs disposant d'un véhicule électrique, tout en simplifiant la gestion de flotte pour l'entreprise pour 1,50 € HT/mois et par collaborateur.

Charging on the go and on-site
Freshmile provides your employees access to over 450,000 charging points in France and Europe.
- Simplified access to public charging stations
- Unlimited charging at all stations
- Available in card or key fob format
- Real-time pricing of charging stations, easily viewable on the app
Simplified Oversight
Freshmile provides you with a fleet management platform. Our customer service center supports you in managing your fleet and employee accounts.
- Simplified administrative management
- Unified billing center for the company
- End-of-month billing for all employee recharges
- Cost control: option for billing by vehicle, site, or cost center
- Remote maintenance: 24/7 monitoring of charging stations
- No commitment required
- Real-time fleet supervision, with full autonomy
Extra Services for Your Employees
Extra Services for Your Employees
We provide your employees with a hotline available 24/7 and a customer support team by email if they need assistance with charging.
- 24/7 support for electric vehicle drivers

Request a quote
Estimate the cost of managing your electric vehicle fleet. Our sales team will contact you promptly to assist you with your project.

Need an Employer Pack?
Your employees can finally charge their company cars at home.